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- Every Hero Needs a Story
Every Hero Needs a Story
And your brand is no different...

You’re a best-selling author.
You’ve written seven fantasy books. Fantasy drama, to be exact.
Your latest novel in the series was just awarded the title of New York Times Best-Seller.
And there’s a line of people wrapped around the block, just dying to get their hands on a copy signed by you.
Now, snap back to reality and think about this for a second:
Do you think you could have gotten to that point – NYT best-selling author and all – if your characters didn’t have an origin story?
If you didn’t share any background and context on what your books were about?
I mean, you can ask J.K. Rowling but I think you already know the answer.
Hell no!
So why would you think your brand could be any different?
How can you expect anyone to love your brand if they don’t know its story?
Just like any novel, your brand needs an origin story… and it needs to be told.
Here’s what you’ll learn today:
The power of a brand origin story
Why it works so well
How you can use it
Let’s get into it, shall we?
The Power of Your Brand’s Origin Story 📖
I don’t know about you, but whenever I find a new brand on social media and visit their website, one of the first things I look for is a place to learn more about them.
Sure, they might have killer hoodies or really cool artwork.
But before I invest my hard-earned money into one of their products, I at least want to know more about the brand itself.
What was the inspiration behind the brand? Why do they sell the products they do? Do they support any organizations or have some sort of mission?
Who the hell are they?!
Just like Harry Potter, you can’t expect your brand to be a hit if nobody knows who you are.
You have to give your audience some background.
That’s where a brand origin story comes into play. And they’re actually quite simple.
A brand origin story is a narrative explaining how your business was started.
It might include some combination of elements between the who, what, where, when, how, and why of your business.
Look, brand origin stories are a powerful marketing tool if done right.
Here’s why…
Why It Works So Well 🤔
There’s a reason you feel a deeper connection to certain book characters over others.
And it’s the same reason you feel a deeper connection to certain brands over others.
Because they have a compelling (and maybe even relatable) story.
You know they’re background. You know what they’ve been through. You know and like what they stand for.
A brand story is so powerful because it explains your values and mission in a way your customers can relate to.
In a way they can feel.
The most memorable brand stories evoke emotion and help build a deeper relationship with their audience.
Think of Nike or Apple or Patagonia.
What do they all have in common?
They’re master storytellers. They evoke emotion and make you want to support them.
You see, that’s the power of a brand origin story.
You support Harry Potter because you know what he’s been through and you feel a deeper connection with him.
You want him to win.
Your brand origin story should make your customers feel the same way about you.
How to Use It 📝
Every brand has a story to share.
And if you want to build deeper relationships with your customers? You sure as hell need to share yours.
If you want to tell a compelling and emotional brand story and win the support of your customers, there are a few things you need to share:
Who you are
What you do and sell
When you started the business
Where you started the business
How you came up with the business idea
Why you’re in business
If you can explain these six things in a compelling and emotional story? And then leverage it in your marketing efforts?
My goodness, you’ll have people lining up left and right wanting to buy your products, support your brand, and build a deeper relationship with you.
And that, my friend, is what business is all about.
Alright, that’s all for this one.
Enjoy your weekend,
Connor “tell your hero story” Flynn
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