Steal My Content Framework to Organize Your Ideas

The simple method to create more valuable content

You come up with a brilliant idea for your next email or blog article. You sit down to plan out where you’re going to take it. Then… you hit a roadblock.

You have no idea how you’re going to turn your brilliant idea into something valuable your audience can learn from.

Sound familiar? Don’t worry, this used to happen to me alllll the time (and I mean literally every time I sat down to write something 😬).

That all changed when I realized it’s not just about what you say. It’s also about how you say it.

That’s why creating your own content structure is so important for your success as a creator or brand.

Not to mention it’ll save you countless hours and make it 10x easier for your audience to pick up what you’re putting down.

If you have no idea how to organize your content, take this newsletter as an example… I built it around a simple structure anyone (and I mean anyone) can follow for themselves.

And it’s just three simple words: What, Why, How

Here’s what you’ll learn today:

  • The simple framework anyone can use to create content

  • Why it works so well

  • How you can use it

Alright, let’s get to it!

What, Why, How Method of Creating Content đŸ“

Creators, businesses, and brands are only as good as how easily their audience can understand their ideas.

Read that again because it’s important.

Here’s what I mean:

If you’re writing a blog article on how to make money online but you do a poor job of explaining the how? Well, that doesn’t do much good for the reader, now does it?

Because they walk away from your article still having no idea how to make money online. Maybe your explanations made no sense or maybe your ideas were just all over the place.

I don’t know what it was. But what I do know is this…

Before doing anything (yes, even before opening up a new Google Doc on your laptop and staring aimlessly at the blinking cursor), there’s a simple tactic you can use to structure your ideas to guarantee your audience walks away satisfied.

It’s the exact framework I used to organize this newsletter so you can easily follow along with each email I send you. So what is it?

What, When, How

Here’s how it works:

1. Outline the big “What” behind your idea.

What exactly is the idea? What do you want your audience to get out of your content? What background do you need to expand on so they’re able to follow along and understand what you’re talking about?

2. Think about the “Why” behind your idea.

Why is your chosen topic important? Why should your audience care? Why does it work so well? Why do you want to explain it to your audience so badly?

3. Expand on the “How” behind your idea.

How exactly does it work? How can your audience use the topic for themselves?

In each issue of this newsletter, I explain what this week’s topic is, I explain why it works so well, and I explain how you can use it for your own brand.

So why does a content structure like this work so well?

Why It Works So Well đŸ¤” 

Following a proven content structure is the easiest way to keep your audience engaged and ensure they walk away with the information you want them to.

Because here’s the thing. Humans absolutely love patterns. They’re easy to follow along with, they’re predictable, and they’re just plain ole fun if you ask me.

So before creating your next piece of content, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What’s the big idea you want your audience to walk away with?

  • Why is that idea important and why are you trying to explain it?

  • How does the idea work and how can your audience use it?

Planning this out before creating your content will save you precious time, make the creation process that much easier, and ensure your audience can easily follow along and understand your ideas.

How to Use It đŸ“ 

It’s actually pretty simple to follow this content creation framework. And to be honest, I kinda already showed you how.

But one of the coolest things I’ve found about the What, Why, How framework is it’s not just strictly for creating content. You can use it for pretty much anything!

Whether it’s creating a business roadmap, setting personal goals, or writing the next great American novel.

Here’s a quick example for goal-setting:

  • What is your big dream in life?

  • Why do you want to achieve it?

  • How are you going to take action to achieve it?

And here’s a quick example for starting a business:

  • What is the mission and big idea behind your business?

  • Why should your target audience buy from you?

  • How are you going to sell that idea?

You see, the beauty of this simple framework is it can be used for almost anything!

So the next time you’re creating your next piece of valuable content or setting goals and planning for your future, try out this framework for yourself and see what it does for you.

I think you’ll be surprised just how much more clarity you’ll gain and how much easier it will be to accomplish what you set your mind to.

Until next time,

Connor “Organize your ideas” Flynn

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help you out:

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