How Nike Built an Empire with Vision Marketing

And how you can do the same for your own brand

Just Do It

I’d be willing to bet money that almost everyone in the world knows the brand behind those three simple words.

And if you somehow don’t? Well, you’re out of luck.

Just kidding. But in all seriousness, Nike and their slogan are the greatest examples of something I like to call vision marketing (I have no idea if that’s actually a real thing but it has a nice ring to it, huh?)

Here’s what I mean:

Almost 60 years since starting out as a shoe company, Nike is now worth nearly $200 billion. They’re known for their shoes, athletic apparel, sports equipment, sponsorship deals…

If it’s even remotely related to sports or athletics, Nike has it.

So how did a pair of running shoes turn into the multi-billion dollar brand Nike is today? How did a simple slogan turn into not only a way of life, but also an inspiration for generations?

Vision marketing.

Here’s what you’ll learn today:

  • What is vision marketing?

  • Why it works so well

  • How you can use it

Let’s get to it!

What Is Vision Marketing? 💭

Let’s take a trip down memory lane for a second.

At first glance, the ad might seem like it’s focused on Nike and its shoes. It mentions them, sure. But if you really think about it, Nike isn’t trying to sell you its shoes (at least not directly).

The purpose of the ad was to introduce you to an idea.

It was trying to introduce people to the idea of running and popularize it through… you guessed it, a vision.

So what is that vision, you ask?

Well, from the beginning Nike has always had one goal: To make you a better athlete.

They sell you the idea of becoming a better athlete. They sell you the emotions that come with competing and winning. They sell you the feeling of euphoria when you go out running.

Are you starting to see a pattern?

Nike doesn’t sell you shoes or clothing. They sell you…

  • The vision of a better lifestyle

  • The vision of becoming a better athlete

  • The vision of becoming a better version of yourself

And as for their shoes and other products? Those are just a vessel to help you reach that highest version of yourself.

While Nike is one of the best examples of vision marketing (I mean come on, Just Do It is iconic), it’s used by brands all over.

Apple, Microsoft, Tesla, Disney...

Because they all understand one thing:

The best brands don’t sell you a product. All they sell you is an idea. And with a bit of vision marketing, they make you believe that their products are the only way to turn that idea into a reality.

It’s quite simple if you think about it. But oh so brilliant.

So why does vision marketing work so well?

Why It Works So Well 🤔

There’s a saying that I think really encompasses why Nike’s marketing works so well. It goes like this:

People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.

For Nike, they’re in business to sell a better version of you. To sell you the idea that you’re capable of reaching your highest potential.

All you have to do is to (ready for this?)… just do it!

From their slogan and products to their advertising and marketing campaigns, Nike has built one of the most powerful brands in the world by tapping into the collective aspirations of people wanting to become better versions of themselves.

And you gotta hand it to them. Who doesn’t want to become a better version of themselves and reach their highest potential as a human being?

If someone gave you a pair of shoes and said they’d not only help you become a better athlete, but also help you become the person you want to be in life, you would take them right?

That’s essentially what Nike does. And that’s exactly how they’ve built their empire:

  • To become a better version of yourself → You need to push your body to the limit

  • To push your body to the limit → You need to become a better runner

  • To become a better runner → You need the best shoes out there

Everybody wants to reach their highest potential. And Nike has the tools to help you get there.

How to Use It 📝

Using vision marketing in your brand is actually quite simple.

All you have to do is sell an idea.

Okay, okay, it’s easier said than done. But here’s how to actually sell an idea and not just products.

First, if you don’t know why you’re in business or what the overarching goal of your brand is… figure it out ASAP!

A simple way to do this is by following this vision statement:

My goal isn’t to sell more [YOUR PRODUCT]. My goal is to help [IDEAL CUSTOMER] realize that [SOLUTION TO THEIR PROBLEM]. Only then can I sell more [YOUR PRODUCT].

Honestly, I just came up with that on the spot. So it’s not the most eloquently written, but you get the idea.

Nike’s goal isn’t to sell more shoes. Their goal is to help athletes everywhere realize they can achieve their goals and reach their highest potential. Only then can they sell more shoes.

See how it works?

Instead of marketing your product’s features, market its benefits. Instead of marketing your brand, market the one big idea you’re trying to sell to the world.

You have a vision you want to see in the world. That’s why you started your brand, after all.

So tell that story and share your vision. It needs to be heard.

Talk later,

Connor "Just Do It" Flynn

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