Copy Patagonia to Grow Your Own Community

How a powerful mission can make all the difference


I don’t know about you, but I absolutely loveeee a feel-good, wholesome story. Especially when it’s related to one of my favorite brands of all time.

Now, if you’ve been here for awhile, you’ve probably heard me say this before (because I can’t stress it enough!):

People don’t buy your products. They buy the story behind your products.

And for outdoor and adventure giant Patagonia, that couldn’t be more true.

Because the reality is, they aren’t just a clothing brand or adventure lifestyle brand. No, they’re so much more.

They’re an environmental brand with a focus on sustainability and making the world a better place.

That’s their mission and that’s the entire purpose of the company.

So why does having a strong mission translate to building a loyal community, and how can you do the same for your own brand?

Here’s what you’ll learn today:

  • What makes Patagonia’s mission so attractive to its customers

  • Why it works so well

  • How you can use it

Alrighty, sound good?

Let’s dive into this one ↓

What Makes Patagonia's Mission So Attractive to Its Customers? 💭

Like I said before, people don’t buy products. They buy the story behind the products. From the get-go, Patagonia’s mission is clear:

We’re in business to save our home planet.

Pretty ambitious – yet admirable – if you ask me.

But that’s exactly what Patagonia stands for. Everything they do and everything they sell? It leads back to their sole mission to save the planet.

Visit their website homepage and you’ll see tons of links to learn more about their climate goals, their donations, their own company footprint, and so much more. Check it out ↓

But you want to know the best part? They don’t just talk the talk. They back it up.

From using sustainable and recycled materials to donating a percentage of all funds to organizations making a difference, the company is doing everything they can to save our home planet.

In fact, just this past year founder Yvon Chouinard donated the entire company to a non-profit organization working to fight climate change.

Yes, quite literally the entire company.

Now that’s what I call being mission-oriented.

And that, my friend, is a powerful thing if you’re a customer, fan of the outdoors, or just a fellow member of this beautiful place we call earth (spoiler alert: that’s everyone!).

But why exactly does it work so well and why does this goal-driven, mission-oriented company attract such a loyal community?

Why It Works So Well đŸ¤” 

I’ve said is before and I’ll say it again:

People don’t just buy your products. They buy the story behind your products.

And you better believe that Patagonia has one of the best stories and best missions out of any brand I’ve ever seen.

I mean, come on. Who doesn’t want to save our home planet?

The thing is, Patagonia’s products are already top-notch. If you’re looking for a fleece jacket or winter coat, look no further than Patagonia because they’ve got you covered (see what I did there ;)).

But when you couple an incredible product with an incredible mission? Now that’s an offer that’s hard to pass up on.

Here’s the thing, people want to be part of something bigger than themselves. It’s just human nature.

We want to connect with others. We want to relate to others. We want to stand for something great.

The point is this: We all live on earth. We all want to protect earth. And we all want to stand for something special.

Patagonia checks all those boxes. Couple that with their exceptional products and you’ve got a brand that’s impossible to ignore.

The best part is, you can use their exact same framework to build a loyal community around your own brand (and no, you don’t need to donate your entire company to make a lasting impression. Although that does attract quite a bit of attention).

How to Use Your Mission to Build a Loyal Community 📝 

While this is easier said than done, it’s actually not as difficult as you might think.

We know that people want to stand for something bigger than themselves, right?

So if you’re trying to build a loyal community around a single idea, make your mission so relatable and so powerful that it’s impossible to ignore.

Here’s how:

Simply think bigger than everyone else. 

Think of an idea your ideal customer can relate to. Write it down as a simple mission statement. Then market it everywhere.

Look, your mission statement should be so ambitious that it scares you. It should be so big that you think: “How the hell am I going to do that?”

Because the reality is, your mission is what people connect to. Your mission is the reason people buy your products in the first place.

Whether it’s building a software that makes communication 20x easier, selling products that save the planet, or creating apparel that inspires as many people as you can to live out their life dreams (shameless plug), your mission should be the one big thing that drives all other aspects of your brand.

From your products to your content to your marketing efforts and everything else in between. 

Because if people can relate to and get on board with your mission, they’ll support your brand, buy your products, and become a loyal member of your community for life.

Your brand mission is everything. Just remember that.

Alright, that’s all for today. Oh, and Patagonia if you’re reading this, feel free to reach out. Would love to chat :)

Talk next week,

Connor “your brand mission is everything” Flynn

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